Step into Healthy
When I hear the word "healthy," I immediately picture the produce section of a grocery store: bright red apples, crisp orange bell peppers, green broccoli, neatly stacked salad kits, and rows of fresh fruits and vegetables, all perfectly arranged and ready to be bagged.
I also imagine someone who looks physically fit—someone with high muscle mass, low body fat, able to knock out push-ups with ease or jump into a five-mile run with minimal warm-up. This is often the image that comes to mind, even though I know that "healthy" is much more than just what we see.
Health goes far beyond appearances or the mental image we associate with it. In fact, I've come to realize that "healthy" is more of a verb, much like running, lifting, eating, and sleeping. To be healthy, you have to actively live it.
But what does that really mean? It's more complex than picking out groceries or looking fit. Health is a lifestyle verb—it’s the sum of your diet, exercise, sleep, mental health, and sense of purpose. It’s a balancing act between life’s stressors and the choices you make every day.
Being healthy is proactive. It’s a decision you make constantly—considering how your actions will affect you both in the moment and in the long run. Will this make me feel good right now, or will it have lasting positive effects? Am I consciously choosing to eat that sweet treat, or am I acting out of habit, without thought?
It’s a lifestyle that requires consistency. Will you be able to maintain these habits for months, years, even decades?
Health goes far beyond aesthetics. It’s a process, one that you must step into and embrace every day.